Phantom Stranger
JoinedTopics Started by Phantom Stranger
Let's run government like a business...
by Phantom Stranger ini'm a stockholder in a big company ?
for the sake of this discussion, let's call it acme.. .
a few years ago acme suffered some significant setbacks as a result of the september 11 attacks.
Choose your own savior - from
by Phantom Stranger injesus christ: choose your own savior.
posted friday, april 9, 2004, at 12:38 pm pt.
but it's not just mel.
Working on a consensus... an example
by Phantom Stranger inover the last two days, i participated in two threads about the terror attack in spain.
while my motive in participating was to introduce a moderating influence (and i did start out by agreeing with yeru!
), in the end i became a part of the problem - reacting to name-calling, vicious verbal attacks, and general statements that may or may not have been aimed at me.
Iraqi expat group admits feeding bad intel to US, press
by Phantom Stranger inreport: newspapers were deceived by iraqi defectors
new york bush administration officials were not the only people duped by tips from iraqi defectors in the run-up to the 2003 war.
You Britons need to lay off the sauce, says Reuters
by Phantom Stranger inlondon (reuters) - britain launched a campaign on monday against excessive alcohol in a bid to tackle its binge-drinking culture, which some say has turned many town centers into virtual no-go areas at night.
ministers say alcohol misuse costs around 20 billion pounds a year in associated crime, health and social problems and employee absenteeism.
last year, a government report found that britons were the worst binge drinkers in europe, with excessive drinking accounting for 40 percent of all drinking occasions by men and 22 percent by women.
God names next "Chosen People" - Jews Again - Jews in mourning
by Phantom Stranger ingod names next "chosen people"; it's jews again
"oh shit," say jews
jerusalem ( update - jews, whose troubled, 10,000-year term as god's "chosen people" finally expired last night, woke up this morning to find that they had once again been hand-picked by the almighty.
A definition of "fundamentalism" - and a great passage
by Phantom Stranger ini was reading the thread about the secular humanist's comment about jws, and the discussion about fundamentalism that follwed, and i was reminded of a book i read not too long ago.
i dug it up and re-read the passage dealing with fundamentalism, and decided it was worth sharing - mostly because then some of you might go buy the book, and i think this book is the most inspiring i have ever read.
i also thought that some of the comments described jws very well.. .
Short recent history of't in Islamist states
by Phantom Stranger inone iman, one vote
what do islamists mean when they talk about democracy?
by lee smith .
Abstinent teens no safer from STD's later
by Phantom Stranger instudy: teen abstinence no help to later std rates incidence same for those who pledge no sex, those who don't
philadelphia, pennsylvania (ap) -- teens who pledge to remain virgins until marriage have the same rates of sexually transmitted diseases as those who don't pledge abstinence, according to a study that examined the sex lives of 12,000 adolescents.
those who make a public pledge to abstain until marriage delay sex, have fewer sex partners and get married earlier, according to the data, gathered from adolescents ages 12 to 18 who were questioned again six years later.